Yes, it's done. Around the middle of last week, I realized that if I went to town on the second sleeve I'd have a decent chance of getting this sweater done within a month. Throw in a couple of marathon sessions, and I finished this up Saturday afternoon.
I'm so freaking happy with this-it's a perfect light layer, but it's super warm. I lengthened the sleeves significantly, because what's the point in having long sleeves if you can't make sweater paws with them? I skipped the ribbing at the end of the sleeves and just did a purl bindoff after the last purl round. On the sweater body, I swapped out the 2x2 ribbing for 1x1 twisted rib because I like how it looks.
Around halfway through the first sleeve I started referring to this sweater to myself as the Rainbow Connection sweater, which is an obvious nickname, but certainly a fitting one.
Ravelry Page: Drift
Pattern: Drift by Kristen Finlay
Yarn: Misti Alpaca Hand Paint Sock "Reggaeton"
In other knitting news, I'm trying really hard to keep my sweater WIPs to a reasonable number. Apparently my Sweateritis isn't letting up, and despite having a nice variety of things on the needles right now, all I want to knit is sweaters, and I'm really terrified of burning out and being stuck with 15 sweaters in various stages of completion.
"Sweater paws" made me laugh. The fit on this is great, and I love the flash of brighter stripes at the bust. I think I've caught your sweateritis, because I'm normally I monogamous knitter but even though I have a pullover on the needles I want to cast on a man-sweater for the hubs and a wool cardigan for me. Nothing like a sudden drop in temps to make a knitter go a little crazy...
ReplyDelete"Sweater paws" also made me laugh! Never heard that before. :D The sweater turned out so great! I love the stripy goodness throughout, and the thicker band across the bust like some fancy yoke colourwork is perfect. Did you alternate skeins at all for this?
ReplyDeleteIt looks great! The fit is perfect, and I love how the colors pooled in such a rainbow-tastic way. Enjoy those sweater paws, hee hee!
ReplyDeleteooooh, I love it! the rainbow stripes look so awesome, and the fit is great. Nailed it!
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss the FO post for this one?!! I've been in love with this project ever since you started it and it came out just as perfect as I expected! I need a sweater like this in my life.