Rules for Feeding the Stash

Friday, June 14, 2024

Day by Day and Square by Square

The sock blankie has continued to grow over the past couple of weeks, and I'm still not really working on anything else. I have no shortage of fingering-weight scraps, and it feels good to see the pile ever so slowly start to shrink. Every so often I think it'd be nice to work on a sweater or other more involved project, but this is still all I really have the attention span for, and it's so satisfying to finish each individual square.

This is going to be my last weekend at my second job. Leaving is bittersweet, as I love most of the people I work with, but working so much has really affected my stress levels and my health, and it's time for me to scale back a little bit. I'm taking next week off from my regular job as well, to give myself a whole week to rest and unplug after a year of working nearly every day. I haven't had a proper vacation since last summer when we went to the lake and I am very overdue for a break. Coleslaw and I aren't going anywhere, but we do plan to read some books, do a jigsaw puzzle, do some baking, and hopefully pull out a needlework kit from the bin of future projects to play with.

Speaking of baking, I started a new sourdough starter this week so that it would be ready for my vacation and it is doing super well! He's not quite 100% ready to go into bread yet, but he should be raring to go on Monday, which is just what I want. I'm definitely looking forward to a good grilled cheese! I also remembered to pick up eggs this week so I can make a challah: I usually keep one sliced in the freezer to have toast or to eat with shakshuka, but I finished my last one in December right before I had to do a bunch of traveling, and have never found the time or energy to replenish my stash. 

Even if I spend most of next week napping, it will be a good use of my time off, but hopefully I'll get to start refilling my cup and the next time I check in here I'll have some fun projects to share with you all!