Hola, wayward comrades! I had a crazy busy weekend, so we're going to number it up:
1. I got a new mattress, and holy crap is it comfy! It is, however, twice as thick as my old mattress (to fit all the comfort) and it's a bit high to climb onto. We're going to try and lower my bed an inch, but I also think I may like a step or stool to give me a boost too.
2. I finished my
Cherry Pie Skirt! And I'm super happy with it and it looks great...but (there's a but) I don't know if I love the hem on the bottom. In the mirror, when I wear the skirt, the hem looks like it drapes oddly, and I don't think I love it. I haven't taken pictures yet, and sometimes things can look different in pictures than in the mirror, so I'm going to take some before I make any decisions about changing it.
3. I finished the back of my
Beach House! I had a bit of an episode on Saturday when I realized I was incorporating stitches into the garter stitch section half as frequently as the pattern calls for (come on, Kat, by now you should know better. Read the pattern!) so I tore it out and re-knit. Womp-womp. But it looks so much better now, and I'm ready to tackle the fronts!
4. If you're following me on
Instagram, you saw that I got some
new plastic tubs for my stash. I'd had one of the tubs for a while, and I finally got around to getting three more. One more should do the trick, but I need to wait for Walmart to restock (the pitfalls of living in a small town in the middle of nowhere). Most of my sweater quantities are in a small dresser that I have for yarn, and I have some more stuff on a bookshelf, but it's nice to get the bulk of the stash in the protection of these bins. For the curious, the bins are organized by sock yarn, fingering-not for socks, lace weight, and sport-dk-worsted.
How was everyone else's weekend?
Linking up with KCCO