Today is the last day of the Easy A-long, and I managed to get my sweater finished on time! It's currently blocking and I'm hoping to get good pictures taken of it this weekend. Since that sweater is off the needles, I'm focusing most of my attention on this long-languishing Audrey in Unst sweater.
I started this back in January 2016 and after getting most of the lower body done, I pretty much ignored it. I picked it up earlier this month because I wanted something smaller than my Easy A to work on during the play, and between that and working on it all day on Saturday, I have everything done except the sleeves.
I don't love leaving projects sitting around like that for long periods (despite the fact that I do it ALL THE TIME), but there's something nice about having most of a sweater done after only a couple weeks. I'm not super stoked to be on sleeve island, but I'm really looking forward to this sweater and I know it will get a lot of wear!