The plan was for me to have the sleeves and body joined last night, and to have some progress on the shoulder decreases to show you today. But we've already established how the universe feels about my plans.
This is how
Ella looked on Sunday, before the
Coffee Incident. Body done to underarms, sleeve #1 almost done, and almost a week left to get the whole thing done.
I did recover from the coffee stain (vinegar works wonders), and I promptly started sleeve #2. For a while it looked like I was going to be in the clear. Last night I finished sleeve #2 and sat down to join everything together, and that's when it went to pieces.
Take another look at the finished sleeve up there. Notice anything? Like how it is a completely straight tube with no shaping, even though your arms are not completely straight tubes? Yeah. Not only did this knitter not read the pattern thoroughly, but she also completely forgot how to knit a sleeve and didn't even realize that something was wrong until she tried to piece everything together.
That decided it. I will not be wearing Ella to my friend's wedding next weekend, so I have to figure out something else. Ella will be done when she's done, and apparently it's all on her terms, not mine. I started sleeve #1 for the second time today at lunch, and hopefully she'll really be done in time for me to wear her a few times before the weather gets too cool.
(Clockwise from top left: Sleeve #1.2, Sleeve #1 [to be frogged], Sleeve #2 [frogged], Body.)
I do wish I had some better progress on this one, but clearly it is not meant to be. When I told my mum about the sleeves, she said, "maybe the coffee was a sign that this is totally out of your hands." I think she might have been right.
(To my American readers, a happy Fourth of July weekend to you. While our country isn't perfect, it is far better than many, and it's not a bad place to call home.)