Rules for Feeding the Stash

Friday, August 23, 2024

One Year of Coleslaw

Yesterday marked one year since I brough Coleslaw home, and it's amazing to see how much she's grown since then! 

Day 1 vs. Day 365

She still loves climbing and chewing, though fortunately she has gotten better about not chewing on my things (though knitting needles are still apparently free game). She's claimed the papasan chair in my home office/craft room, so she can hang out right behind me during my work from home days. She loves going for walks, especially when we get over to the park, and she loves meeting new people and dogs. She also loves playing fetch and she has taught herself how to throw her own tennis balls so she can chase after them when I'm busy.

She also loves getting into the trash cans and eating whatever she finds there, but nobody's perfect.

I really feel so lucky to be her person, and it's wild to think that we've spent a whole year together already. To mark the day yesterday we went for a nice walk where she got to sniff everything she wanted (though I did draw the line at eating an earplug she found on the ground), she got some of her favorite treats, and, of course, playtime and plenty of cuddles. I can't wait to see what the next year brings!

Friday, August 2, 2024

Warm Enough

Hello, friends! I finished my new office sweater, and while in my apartment it feels like the hottest, heaviest, least breathable sweater I have ever worn, in my office it just feels cozy and comfortable. Mission accomplished.

I've been watching lots of Olympics coverage this week—I always think I'm not going to care about the summer Olympics, and then as soon as the Opening Ceremony starts I go all in. Someday I'll learn to save up my PTO so I can take the Olympics off from work and just watch the games full-time, but until then I'll do my best to keep up with the replays.

Since the office cardigan is off the needles, I'm back to my striped pullover full time. I finished the back (I made a slight whoopsie with the neck decreases, but it's not big enough to rip back and fix, and I think I can hide it in finishing) and am now on sleeve island. Normally when I knit sleeves flat I prefer to do them at the same time, but given that I'm working with three colors and carrying the extra strands up the side of my work, I didn't want to juggle six balls of yarn, so I'm tackling these sleeves one at a time. I'm just a couple rows into the first sleeve, and hopefully they go as quickly as the back piece did!