Rules for Feeding the Stash

Friday, December 18, 2015

A Drift in Progress

I'm hoping to have this sweater done to wear for Giftmas.

Don't panic. Because there's only 10 minutes of daylight now, this photo is from Sunday, and since then I've finished the yoke, moved the sleeves to waste yarn, gone to town on the body and I have just a couple more rounds before I can start the waist shaping. It may be possible.

The last gift is well underway-over half done already-and moving at a nice little clip. I've been bringing it for my lunch knitting the past few days, and I plan to hole up a bit this weekend and finish it out of sight of its recipient. I'm fully confident that it will be done with time to spare.

This sweater, on the other hand...

It's totally doable. There is nothing unreasonable about thinking I can get half of a fingering-weight sweater churned out in seven days. (Crap. Five days, if I want it blocked.)

I'm going to go sequester myself with a large mug of cocoa and several hundred grams of yarn.


  1. You can do this!! It's going to be so pretty, that just already give plenty of motivation :)

  2. I like the Reggaeton! You can do it. Still got time.

  3. You are a sweater machine! I bet you can do it- I look forward to the update pics!
