Today is the last day of the sale portion of the Indie Designer Gift-A-Long, so if you still want to get some Giftmas (or selfish!) pattern shopping done, check out the bundle of sale patterns here before the sale ends at 11:59PM Eastern Standard Time tonight!
But just because the sale portion is ending, doesn't mean all the GAL fun is! Knit- and Crochet-A-Longs are active in the Ravelry group and any pattern by any participating designer is eligible for the -A-Longs and therefore eligible for prizes! There are some fantastic projects flying off the needles already, so definitely go check out what people are making (and maybe get inspired!).
I hope all of my friends here in the US had a lovely Thanksgiving yesterday. I know I was especially grateful this year to have the chance to refocus and be appreciative. For all of my friends overseas, I hope you have some fun knitting planned for the weekend!
But just because the sale portion is ending, doesn't mean all the GAL fun is! Knit- and Crochet-A-Longs are active in the Ravelry group and any pattern by any participating designer is eligible for the -A-Longs and therefore eligible for prizes! There are some fantastic projects flying off the needles already, so definitely go check out what people are making (and maybe get inspired!).
I hope all of my friends here in the US had a lovely Thanksgiving yesterday. I know I was especially grateful this year to have the chance to refocus and be appreciative. For all of my friends overseas, I hope you have some fun knitting planned for the weekend!
happy thanksgiving!!