Rules for Feeding the Stash

Monday, September 8, 2014

In Which the Sock Has a Birthday Adventure

One of my favorite birthday traditions is going up to the city to spend a day with my sister. Yesterday, after a week of making plans, my current sock and I loaded up the car and made an early start:
Right away the day showed promise. Anemone got me a fantastic Winston Churchill poster for my birthday:
I absolutely adore him. Now I need to reorganize my room so there are places for all my art.

But onward! After one fruitless trip to a thrift store, Anemone, the sock, and I sated our hunger at one of my favorite restaurants in Sioux Falls:
 (those are Granite City's famous Idaho Nachos. Technically they're an appetizer, but I can put a whole plate of them away by myself. I never order anything else.)

After lunch, we went to the piercing parlor to get second holes in my lobes. The sock was nervous, but we made it through in one piece:
My piercer was super cool. Thanks Dan!

After that, we treated ourselves to ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery (I got mint with chocolate chips):
After that, we did a quick mall run, where I got myself the most amazing watch I've ever seen:
It was a spectacular day, and Anemone was great about going along with all my crazy plans.

Tomorrow's my birthday proper, so soon I have to start making my cake.  Also on that note, tomorrow will be the last day to get 20% off in my Ravelry Shop using coupon code "HB24."

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