Rules for Feeding the Stash

Monday, February 2, 2015

Our Common Thread Retreat, Part One

Oh my goodness! It's been a whirlwind couple of days: I'm exhausted, I have weird acne, and I forgot to wear a mask during the dyeing workshops, so now I have weird colored boogers. But it was so much fun. So without further ado, here's the recap:

First of all, I got lost three times on my way to the lodge, so what should have been a three-hour drive ended up being about five hours. But I got there at about 8:00pm on Thursday. The next few days looked a lot like this, with very little variation:

Beautiful, right? It was a total blast, And very productive. I finished two projects this weekend, and got another one 30% done.

Both of these are for good friends of mine from college. The hat was about 25% done when I got there, but the entire scarf was knit in two days (that was some intense knitting). They both need a good blocking, and better pictures, and then they should both be in the mail to their new homes next weekend.

There were also dyeing workshops on Friday and Saturday, and I always look forward to those. They're led by Tara from The Dyeing Arts, and I love getting to play with yarn and color in that way. I did three skeins at each workshop, so there's a lot of dye stuff to go over, and I will share all of that with you on Wednesday. But until then, here's a sneak peek:

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