Rules for Feeding the Stash

Monday, July 2, 2018

Thinking Pink

The grey cocoon sample that I've been working on for the past couple months got finished, and it's a disaster. There's some discrepancy between the swatch and the finished project, and the whole thing's a mess, and it's sitting in time out right now. So I decided to pull out my trusty pink shawl.

This has been hibernating for a while, but it is still an absolute delight to knit, and I think I'm just ten rows away from the border. This yarn is so soft, and the color is fantastic, and after a couple months of All Linen All the Time, it just feels GOOD to be working with wool again.

Over the weekend I managed to catch some kind of crud that's apparently been going around. I've been eating lots of spicy food to try and flush it out, but it's proving to be kind of stubborn. I have long play rehearsals tonight and tomorrow, but then I have the rest of the week off, so as long as I can make it through the next two days in one piece I'll be able to rest up the rest of the week.

Linking up with Crafting On


  1. Oh no, I hope you are feeling 100% soon! It sucks when a knit is just not playing nicely, especially when you swatched! That pink shawl looks delightful.

  2. Thank goodness some else makes a disaster project. It's not just me! It is flipping hot here yet I am sat knitting wool in the shade. Nothing like it.Can't wait to see this finished shawl. Pretty colour.
