And now it is November (how the heck did that happen???), and I am ready to cast on for my NaKniSweMo sweater. I finally swatched last night, and pulled out most of the yarn (I know I have another ball somewhere, but I can't find it, and it's stressing me out because I'm sure I'll need it). I have knit a sweater in less than a month before, but it's been a while, so we'll see how this venture goes.
I also have to start my NaNoWriMo novel today. I'm feeling pretty good about it, but having two big projects starting at once is a little bit foreboding. I tend to have a lot of trouble focusing on one big project for any length of time- I'd rather work on several smaller projects. But this month will be a good workout for my brain, and I love the communities that build up around these endeavors, so I'm going to try my best to finish my sweater and my novel.
Good luck with the novel and sweater creations this month! How the heck did November get here so fast?! My october was totally nuts, so here's hoping we all have more creative Novembers!