Rules for Feeding the Stash

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Last Day

Well, the time is coming for me to return to the real world.  It was so nice to have a few days away from things, and I'm ready to get back to work, but I also finally appreciate how important it is to take time off.  (I am notorious for not taking vacations.  Since I started working after graduation, I have taken a total of 3 non-sick days off until this past week.)  There was a list of things that I planned to get done the past few days, but it didn't all happen.

I picked out fabric for some upcoming sewing projects, but I haven't sewn anything yet (I swear I'm not procrastinating, it's a tactical delay).  I didn't get as caught up on tv shows and movies as I wanted, and I didn't get as much reading done as I'd hoped.  But I feel so rested.

It's been so nice to not have any sort of plan for the day.  Beyond feeding the dogs, I have no real obligations.  I also got some awesome finds at a couple of my favorite thrift stores:

And knitting!  Lots of knitting:


Some real good progress made on my blanket, and Anemone's sweater vest, and my mum's socks.  All in all, it's been a very satisfying vacation.

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