I'm really enjoying my last weeks of freedom before school starts. This weekend I made bread, because my fridge is full of pickles from my mum's garden, which means melted cheese and pickle sandwiches as often as I can eat them. I'm also getting ruthless with my to-read pile, determining which books I'm not going to read and what's realistic for me to finish in the next three weeks.
I have a new sweater sample on the needles and I'm really loving it. This is actually the second inception of this sweater—I'd originally planned it to be a cardigan, but after finishing the upper back and doing lots of planning for the upper front shaping, I decided I'd rather have it as a boxy cropped pullover. It's working out really well, I'm really enjoying knitting it, and I'm really looking forward to wearing it. I'm hoping for an early fall release for the pattern, but school could throw that off. I'm trying to go with the flow.
This week I'm hoping to do some more baking and read one or two of the romance novels on my list. I'm also very close to being finished with my cuddle blanket, but I don't know if I'll manage to bang the rest of that out this week or not. I'm also slowly but surely adding all my patterns to my new Payhip shop—it's taken me a bit longer than I'd hoped, but I'm over halfway done, and I'll definitely be all set up over there before school starts.
I love it. I want this pattern. ��