Rules for Feeding the Stash

Monday, July 20, 2020

2020 Quiet Queers Craft Along

Last week the Quiet Queers Craft Along started over on Instagram (#QuietQueersCraftAlong). Last year I was a participating designer, but I wasn't able to actually make anything for the Craft Along, and I wanted to change that this year. I dug around in my stash, scrolled through designer portfolios, and came up with four potential projects.

Ultimately I decided on the Thunderbolt Shawl by Xandy Peters. It's a great shawl, and I had these two skeins that I knew would be perfect together for it. These yarns have been in my stash for years, and it feels great to finally have the perfect pattern for them.

I did have to do the setup section twice, as I missed an increase the first time and didn't realize until several inches later, but I'm really enjoying it so far. It's definitely not a brainless knit, but as long as I pay attention to the pattern it's pretty easy.

This weekend was pretty quiet. I finished one of the books on my list to finish before school starts, and I knit a little bit. This is week nineteen of isolation/quarantine for me, and I kinda swing between "absolutely fine" and "general panic for the state of everything," which is where I feel a lot of us are at right now. 

1 comment:

  1. Loving the melon-y colors here! They work so well together. Congrats on finishing your book. For me, mixed in with the feelings of "absolutely fine" and "general panic" are bouts of helpless frustration. It's tough when you're doing your best but it's not enough to improve the situation. Having blogs to read every day is a balm for that, at least.
