Rules for Feeding the Stash

Monday, April 6, 2020

Day Twenty-Four: Numbers

1. No photo today. I'm sure I could have found something to take a photo of, but I was tired.

2. Yesterday was hard. I ended up having to scream into a pillow. We're all struggling. We'll be okay.

3. I made cookies this weekend and didn't put enough flour in. I have been using this cookie recipe for over twenty years. This is the second bake I've messed up so far during this pandemic. I suppose if all I'm doing is making some funny-looking but still delicious bakes, I'm doing okay.

4. My sourdough starter might be ready to start baking today. Yesterday it was close, and I decided to give it another day. I mean, I have the time

5. I have been out of chips for four days and it's really hard. Tomorrow morning is the hour at the store for elderly and at-risk people, so I'll be able to stock up for the next week.

6. I also need to get some puzzles. I mean, I have puzzles. But my current puzzle is a 1000-piece Chagall, and my other puzzles are a 1500-piece Van Gogh, a 1000-piece Frida Kahlo, and a 500-piece puzzle that's all black and white. I really need an easy puzzle (well, a few easy puzzles). I'm going to check the store when I go tomorrow for some 300-piece ones or some 500-piece ones that aren't black and white and therefore needlessly complicated. (Also, Puzzle Warehouse is still shipping, just FYI).

I think that's it for today. Please keep taking care of yourselves, kittens. We're all doing our best. We're doing great. I love you all specially and individually. 


  1. Hi. Great post!

    I have a love for jigsaw puzzles which started about 5 years ago to help calm my anxiety and to carve out some alone time. From my love for puzzles, I convinced my husband and daughter to join me in creating We are excited for this new adventure to connect with fellow jigsaw puzzle lovers.

    Take The Climb is a monthly blog for people seeking the challenge, the escape, or simply the pure joy of working on jigsaw puzzles.
