Rules for Feeding the Stash

Monday, July 10, 2017

The End is In Sight

Friends, I had such a productive weekend, I don't even know what to do with myself. This right here is the front of the final top in my upcoming collection, and all it needs is twelve rows of neck shaping. I'm ecstatic. I did all the finishing on my second top over the weekend too, so once this is done (hopefully today or tomorrow) all I have to worry about is photos and editing.

We're finally at the run-through point in theater rehearsals, so I'm going to have quite a bit of knitting time the next couple of weeks. Yesterday I went through and circled all my size information in the pattern for my OAL sweater, so I'll be able to cast that on as soon as this top is done.

I started knitting for this collection on May 31, and I'm really impressed that I managed to knit three  tops in six weeks. While the knitting has gone quickly, this whole project has taken up a lot of mental space, and I'm simultaneously ready and excited to share these patterns with you, and relieved and ready to knit something I don't really have to think about.

And really, I couldn't have worked out the timing of this better. Community theater is going full throttle- this week is run-throughs, next week is tech, and production is July 21-24. So while I'll have plenty of backstage knitting time, I'm also going to be even more of an exhausted over-caffeinated mess than I usually am.

Linking up with Crafting On


  1. Holy cow, look at you go! I can't wait to see the final collection. :)

    Good luck with eh production! Try to get some rest between all the crazy!!

  2. Love the color and cables of this sweater. Lucky you for all that knitting time, good luck! -Sierra

  3. Wow! Three tops in six weeks is amazing!
