Rules for Feeding the Stash

Friday, July 7, 2017

Status Check

I appear to have given myself a bad tendinitis flareup in my right thumb, which hasn't happened for a while, and is every bit as painful and inconvenient as I remember. The good news is, I can still knit. The bad news is, I can't really do much else. I'm popping ibuprofen every few hours and I have my thumb brace on, and hopefully this will sort itself out quickly.

In collection news, I have finally cast on the front of the third top. I finished the back last night, so now all I have left is:

  • two rounds on the neckband of top number 2
  • both sleeves on top number 2
  • front of top number 3
  • neckband and sleeves of top number 3
That's all I have for collection news. I still haven't started my OAL projects. but that's first on my list once this top is done. Hopefully my thumb will be feeling better by then, because I definitely can't sew with it like this. We're also two weeks away from production of Fiddler on the Roof, and it's starting to get real. We solidified the major dances this week, everyone is supposed to be off book, and we're getting down into the nitty gritty of scenes. The show is really coming together great, and I'm so thrilled to be a part of it.

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