Saturday evening I stepped out my back door to see a momma bunny spread out over her brood of babies. I've never seen baby bunnies before, and they were so precious! The mom immediately ran to the next yard to try and distract me (such a good mom!). I kept a good distance and managed some blurry cell phone pictures to capture the moment.
This weekend was super busy. I managed a short nap each day, thankfully, but I didn't really get much else in the way of downtime. I'm hoping that tonight I can relax and finish a library book or two and maybe get another inch or so knit on my Zinone. Since I'm alternating two skeins on Zinone right now, I ended up working on my new shawl sample more this weekend, just because it's a bit easier to cart around through parks and back and forth from events. As is the theme with me lately, this photo does not do the colors in this yarn justice. It's much more variegated in person.
I only have one more play rehearsal this week, on Tuesday night, so I'm hoping that this week I can get some recharging in. On Wednesday I have to go up to the city to see my endo, which I'm not really looking forward to in the wake of my ER visit a couple weeks ago, but maybe he'll have an idea as to why my blood sugar got so out of control.
Linking up with Crafting On
The yarn you're using for your shawl is gorgeous!