Rules for Feeding the Stash

Friday, January 17, 2025

Back in the Saddle

Happy Friday! I got my right hand stitches out on Monday, and my hands are doing well. It's still easy to overuse them, but I'm taking it pretty easy (and also doing my OT exercises). As I thought, I'm able to knit again, and oh boy does it feel great to be back. I finished the Newborn Vertebrae that I started for my friend's baby back before my first surgery, and I cast on a scarf and a sweater for myself.

(I can't believe I've knit this much of a sleeve in three days, it feels absolutely wild.)

My best friend brought me this yarn from Ireland when she went there in 2014 (!!!!) and it feels so good to finally be knitting it up. I've had a few false starts with this, but I'm so pleased with this pattern and I'm actually really enjoying knitting it.

I also busted out a quick hanging basket for some of my office squishmallows. My desk was Too Cluttered, so I looked up instructions for how to make a granny square, finally figured it out, and one skein of kitchen cotton later (plus some extra in a different color to tighten up the edges because my gauge is all over the place), these guys have a new home on the wall by my crafting bookcase. I've never actually managed to make a granny square before, despite trying every couple of years, so this was really satisfying to whip up!

I'm looking forward to a three-day weekend here. I'm especially excited to go back to knit group after over a month and a half away!


  1. Glad to hear your recovery is going well! Keep doing those exercises and don't overdo it on the knitting!

    1. I'm definitely talking frequent breaks! I also started a big cross stitch project over the weekend, so I'm changing up exactly how I'm using my hands to craft.
