Rules for Feeding the Stash

Friday, October 25, 2024

Coleslaw with a Bow

Happy Friday, friends! It's been a bit of a disjointed week for me. I was supposed to have an overnight trip for work last weekend, but we ended up cancelling the event last minute. I was happy to not have to drive and be away from home! Because I'd been planning on leaving that afternoon, I brought Coleslaw to camp in the morning, so she got to spend a day playing with all her friends there before I picked her up after work. One of the groomers even made her a little Halloween bow, which is shockingly still in place a week later!

Last year she really hated wearing sweatshirts and coats when it was cold out and she would chew on them if I didn't take them off as soon as we got back inside, but she hasn't touched the bow at all. I think it makes her feel pretty, so she's tolerating it, but I'm hopeful that she's matured some since last winter and will tolerate cold-weather wear better this year!

I did manage to cross the halfway point on my one knit xmas present, which is a relief. I haven't touched either of my vests, but I'm hoping to get some work done on them this weekend. I'm so close to finishing the back of my current vest, and with any luck I'll be able to convince myself to finally sit down and sew buttons on my brioche vest.

I've also been continuing to plan for my upcoming carpal tunnel surgeries, and I cleared out a gallon and a half of veggie scraps from the freezer to make broth with. I want to have room in my freezer to stock up on breads and cakes so that I have them handy when I'm recovering, but there's still a bit that I'll need to work through before I can start baking. 


  1. Coleslaw looks adorable! I certainly hope she has matured -- she'd look so cute in a little sweater! I think you are very smart to plan ahead and fill your freezer now with food for when you're recovering. If we lived closer, you know I'd be there to drop off chicken soup and challah for you!

    1. <3 <3 <3 <3 Coleslaw did finally start chewing on the bow on Sunday, so we'll see how operation: adorable clothing goes lol.
