Rules for Feeding the Stash

Friday, July 5, 2024

Sweater Progress

Hello friends! Vacation was exactly what I needed—I didn't end up doing as much as I'd initially planned, but I sure got lots of rest, which is exactly what I needed! I watched a lot of tv, worked on my sock blankie, and read a lot. I did manage to make a loaf of challah, which means that one of my favorite meals (challah toast with tomato confit and melted cheese) is back in rotation.

A couple days ago I finally pulled my striped sweater back out, and it's been great to work on that again. My big trouble with this one is the metal needle (its just not the vibe for this project), but I had a bamboo I was able to switch to for a couple inches before Coleslaw got her paws on it (she cannot be trusted, I have a new one ordered and I swear this will be the last time I leave it in her reach). 

I got the front finished and I ripped out the back (which was originally knit with the wrong stripe sequence), and I got the new back cast on last night. I really like how this is coming out, and I'm feeling pretty good about my yarn quantities. As much as I'd love to bang this out and have a finished sweater, I'm mostly trying to enjoy the actual knitting of it. 

I'm still adjusting to having weekends off. Last weekend I stayed home, but I think I'm going to try and go out on a little adventure this weekend. Despite living here for a year and a half now, I don't actually know the cities very well, since I was working so much, and now that I have weekends off again, I'm working on familiarizing myself with more of the area.


  1. I'm glad to hear your vacation was so restorative. Sometimes just resting is what we need!

    1. It sure is! I'm still catching up on rest, to be honest, so it was real smart of me to take the week and not push myself at all!
