Rules for Feeding the Stash

Friday, May 10, 2024

Shawl Project, Family Visit, and a New Treasure

Happy Friday, friends! I did not mean to be absent for almost a month, but it's been a crazy spring here at Riddell House. First and foremost, the yellow shawl has grown, though not as quickly as I'd hoped:

Last week I was in South Dakota for my brother's college graduation. I ended up being out there for longer than I'd initially planned, but it was good to see my family, and I got to sit on a pink boulder and look at the river while the rest of my family went hiking:

This week when I went to the thrift store I managed an incredible score. A vintage all-metal Singer, preferably in a sewing table, has been on my wish list for years, but I've had trouble finding one in my price point and within reasonable driving distance. Most recently, there was one at a local Goodwill that they had listed for seventy-five dollars, which is way more than I want (or am able) to spend, but when I walked through the furniture section of another local thrift store a few days ago I found this Singer Touch & Sew for just twenty-five dollars. 

It fits just perfectly on this little wall, and I can keep my Kenmore 12 Stitch on top of it when it's closed up (my Brother LS-2125i lives on a shelf on an adjacent wall). I'm so thrilled to have found it, and I'm really hoping to find the energy and motivation to start a sewing project soon. My mother gave me some fun fabric a couple of months ago, and I have a project planned for one of the lengths, but between work and taking Coleslaw to the park and a string of medical appointments, I haven't even managed to prewash the fabric yet.

I hope you all have a good weekend! I'm back to my retail job after taking last weekend off for my trip back to South Dakota, but I'm hoping to get some good morning cuddles in with Coleslaw and finish my current library book (Otherlands by Thomas Halliday).


  1. What a score! I'm glad it was a good visit home for several reasons. Sending scritches to Miss Coleslaw!
