Rules for Feeding the Stash

Friday, December 21, 2018

2018 in Review

Well, this year has been pretty non-stop, and it's not looking like it's going to wind down too much in this last week and a half. I didn't get as much knitting done this year as I have in years past, but I also moved into my apartment, which completely ate up my life for almost three months, and I got nothing else done during that time.

I finished nine garments this year (ten, if you count the fact that one of them had to be completely reknit after blocking). I still have two sweaters that I haven't shared with you yet because they only have half their buttons sewn on, oops! I finished eleven accessories (hopefully that number will go up by New Year's—I have my mum's xmas present still on the needles, and a couple quick accessories for myself on the needles that I might be able to bang out once that's done).

I released eleven patterns this year, including a couple shawls that I'd been working on and fighting with for quite a while, and I'm ultimately very pleased with how they came out. I also hosted the Easy A-long, and it was so much fun that we're doing another sweater KAL starting January 1st! 

This year I was in three plays, and my writing started taking off. I wrote over one hundred poems, four short stories, and I wrote 25k words on the first draft of my novel. I had a poem published and a story included in a collection.

As much as 2018 felt like a constant whirlwind, it was also a pretty good year. I made some great new friends and I got my apartment all set up (and I cannot stress how wonderful it is to have a space all my own, with all the things I love in it!). I already know that 2019 is going to be kind of a tough year in a few ways, but I strongly believe that it's going to be a year of intense growth, and I really can't wait to see what direction things take. 

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